In a little over four hours and experiment is going to occur. 6 energetic souls that have been in Austin since Thursday, March 11th are going to brave a trip to Vegas for two more days of technology and innovation. The big idea? That YOU get to experience this journey with them and through them through the ‘Catch MIX if You Can’ project. From Windows 7 to Windows Phone to new announcements around IE there has never been a time when one company enables designers developers and consumers to innovate, live and share their lives and ideas on their own terms across the Web, devices, browsers and computers. Journey along with the following folks to learn what all the fuss is about on Twitter. You should find that if your an enthusiast, designer, developer, entrepreneur or just naturally curious that all of these folks will tell you a great story about stuff you DIDN’T see at SxSW.
@calilewis, @giovanni, @hulljon, @emilylewis, @nathansmith, @kirkballou, @stephenanderson